Captain America and Red Skull by Felipe Massafera
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My final IWI Tavor build.
The run down:
Right handed 16.5” IWI Tavor
Blackhawk Single Point Sling
45 Degree Back-up Irons
1” offset Flashlight mount
Streamlight Polytac Flashlighta rifle with two sets of iron sights……….
It’s actually one and a half sets. The front sight is not accessible. The Bullpup design makes it extremely easy to cant to use the 45 degree iron sights. The EOTECH co witnesses perfectly with the rear peep sight.
I’d love a chance to try out a Tavor. I just can’t wrap my head around offset iron sights (on any rifle), but I suppose with some optics, it’s the only choice if you don’t want flip-ups.