If having high-speed ‘net access while traveling is extremely important to you, then Geektels is a resource you must use. (via Damien via Dave)
Tag: tech
This isn’t necessarily an anti-spam measure; it’s more along the lines of revenge. From the latest Dilbert newsletter comes this reader gem:
Here’s a fun hobby of mine: When I get e-mail spam that includes an 800-number, I save the number for later. Then when one of the hundreds of Nigerian scam e-mails hits my e-mail box, I reply enthusiastically and give the 800-number of the spammer as my own. I feel that people in the DNRC have a responsibility to introduce A-holes to each other.
Thanks to Mark for the pointer to this photo gallery of USA Today photography Jack Gruber, who is using his PowerBook G4 12″ to send pictures to the main office.
I still want one!
All I can say is, it’s about freaking time.
I wonder if I could push this issue in June, should I change mobile providers after plan/phone shopping. (Thanks, Jon!)
I know I’m half a month late in noting this, but Gruber confesses to why such a quick update to the 1.2.1 release of SmartyPants was necessary:
See, back in 1998 I became the owner of a South American woolly monkey, whom I named Paco, with the intention of training him to assist in my freelance graphic design work. Everyone told me this was a terrible idea, that it would not work, that at the very least I would need a chimpanzee or orangutan, that a mere monkey would never be able to do graphic design.
I was unswayed. Do you know how much food chimpanzees and orangutans eat? And for chrissakes, an orangutan can beat you up–I’ve seen those Clint Eastwood movies, those [BLEEP]ers can pack a punch. I do not need to be coldcocked by my lower-primate assistant. What I wanted was a monkey, a loyal friend who, when otherwise unoccupied, could sit on my shoulder and pick crumbs out of my hair.
Now this is something I could have used last year, when I lost pictures of my grandmother’s visit to Dallas.
Rod Keller documents the external expansion of his home LAN via WiFi. Very cool.
(Thanks, Ric)
I figured it was high time that a computer manufacturer other than Apple had the word “beleaguered” in a headline or story about them. According to a c|net story, Gateway is closing 76 stores and laying off 17 percent of its work force. If this were Apple, stories and editorials on the company’s imminent demise would be rampant.
Maybe if Ted Waitt stopped talking to cows, people would take his company more seriously.
MacMinute notes a c|net report that Hilton Hotels, Borders Books & Music, and McDonald’s are partnering with Intel to deliver WiFi (802.11b) wireless network access in various hotels and stores around the country.
Though I’m sure they’ll try to charge separately for something they should simply build in to their costs, the latter of which would help attract consumers, the only mention of pricing thus far is from McDonald’s: one hour of free access when you purchase a combo meal.
My new favorite n3rd reports that his mobile phone weblog has a new and permanent home: MobileTracker.net.
Jon also shares this insight on the T68i, which is fast becoming my next mobile of choice!