If you’re nostalgic for the way Twitter used to be, give the Old Twitter extension a whirl. I’ve got it running in Brave and my unGoogled Chromium installation. They have one for Firefox, too. Simple and not annoying. https://github.com/dimdenGD/OldTwitter

My thanks to whomever originally posted that link; I don’t recall where I saw it.

When parody accurately describes reality.

With today’s big Threads launch, this latest post by CJ Chilvers seems highly relevant: https://www.cjchilvers.com/blog/open-wins/

My wish for #WWDC2023 is if I get a voice mail on my iPhone, I actually have the voice mail available before or at the same time as the transcribed text message, instead of hours or days later.

What I really want is a mechanical-key version of Logitech’s Ergo K860.

App update notes I can get behind.

The more I have to use Windows for my job, the more I enjoy coming home to macOS, even with its nuisances and issues.

Better looking, better keyboard control, just…better. It’s like a breath of computing fresh air.

Amazon really needs to have profiles for accounts, like Netflix or Hulu, so that the stuff my wife reads and listens to doesn’t affect my recommendations, which are radically different.

Cue all the thoughtless replies of “Why doesn’t she get her own Amazon account?”

You know, I could really use a @gluon for macOS…

Rockin’ old school today, both in terms of music and the throwback iOS interface thanks to Zhenyi Tan’s Medley.