SpamSieve continues to be a must-have if you use a Mac.…

Hey everyone! It’s @agiletortoise‘s birthday! Let’s celebrate by downloading & subscribing to his incredible @draftsapp, the best way to process text on iOS! (Also for Mac.) I use it everyday, all the time, including for this post!

Happy birthday, Greg! 🎉



Chimera 0.6

The latest stable version of Chimera was released a couple of days ago, and I am falling further in love with this browser. Powered by the Gecko rendering engine (of Mozilla fame), it is a Cocoa-based web browser, only for OS X.

It is fast. Wicked fast. Scary fast. It blows IE away in rendering pretty much all of the sites I visit. loads blindingly fast. MacMinute appeared instantly. Did I mention it’s fast?

It shares some of my favorite features with its Mozilla brethren, as well. Tabbed browsing is just one of the coolest things to hit web browsers since standards compliance. No more multiple browser windows littering the desktop! And built-in pop-up ad blocking is a godsend.

If you’re running OS X, you owe it to yourself to give Chimera a try.

Transmit 2.1

The fine folks at Panic Software released version 2.1 of their fine FTP client, Transmit today. Hey, Michael, guess what feature got implemented? 🙂