And y’all wonder why I refer to them as minions of Lucifer……

Corgi in Repose at Christmastime.

Because who couldn’t use some Corgi cuteness?

Read to the end.…

“No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die…from this laser hairball!”…

It’s #NationalDogDay? Well then let’s just show off another photo of this spoiled princess…

Her life is really hard, y’all.

This little girl turned one year old yesterday. Like the federal holiday, we observed her birthday today. (We hosted some friends for a pool party yesterday.) She has made quite an impact on our household in just a few months. ❤️

While Dad reads thrillers, Stella attempts to prove no dog toy is indestructible.

When Mom puts peanut butter in the treat hole of your chew toy.

(She’s not let go of that thing for at least 10 minutes.)