Used the Super 8 app on my iPhone to shoot video of Kelly and Samuel singing “The Wheels on the Bus” while we were eating out.

Bedtime story (Taken with picplz.)

Cruising the cul-de-sac (Taken with picplz.)

On the dugout on Flickr.

Jesus loves dinner time

Tonight at the dinner table, Samuel decided it was time to do a little singing.

Jesus loves dinner time from Chris Turner on Vimeo.

If I could only bottle the innate cuteness…

If I could only bottle the innate cuteness...

I would be richer than Gates or Buffett.

Our ballplayer


This spring, Davis started playing baseball. At the six and under level (6U), it’s coach-pitch. He did pretty well, and we saw improvements in his fielding from that first practice to the last game this past Saturday (May 22d). Hitting wise, he did awesome, going seven for eight in the first half of the season. He hit a slump, but rebounded for the last two games.

To see more photos, including a couple from the game, check out the rest of the set.

Hanging out


From back in March. While I was getting myself ready, the boys watched Sesame Street in Mom and Dad’s room.

On the narrow path

Tony Woodlief:

I remind him to watch the cars, to look the drivers in the eye and make sure they see him. His brothers and I sit in the minivan while he goes to the curb and waits for a chance to walk out to the girl. Finally a car stops to let him pass. The girl’s face is turned down; she sees nothing but the ground. I watch my son’s narrow shoulders as he crosses the drive, and I am praying that no harm will come to him, not now or ever, that someone who is this loving will be spared the pain of the world, which is when I remember that it is Christmas, the time when we celebrate precisely the opposite, the coming of pure love to suffer for all we who sit with faces turned down, not even knowing what to ask for, knowing only in our crusted-over hearts that anything will help.

Partners in crime

Partners in crime

Davis and Samuel having fun on the backyard play set.