Three generations. (Taken with picplz.)
Tag: parenting
Another by-himself haircut going well! (Taken with picplz.)
Got @davisturner’s new map hung, with pushpins noting where family lives. (Taken with picplz.)
You may not be able to hear it, but there was music they were dancing to.
Alas, seconds later Davis would accidentally smack Sam’s head on the table and the evening went rapidly downhill.
Checking out a graphic novel at the library. (Taken with picplz.)
Minor Ikea hack: two Trofast storage units bolted together. (Taken with picplz.)
Used three flat brackets in the rear to bind the two units to one another, and then affix it to a stud in the wall.
Mile 529: Having breakfast for dinner, like his old man. (Taken with picplz.)
Davis, and his friend Jacob, with LEGO Dirk. (Taken with picplz.)
They are obsessed with Hungry Hungry Hippos. Obsessed, I tell you. (Taken with picplz.)