The @WizKhalifa Oreos commercial with his son Sebastian is utterly adorable.

We have a new episode of The Empowered Parent Podcast out, talking about the importance of self care and ways to avoid burnout.

It’s the 100th episode of The Empowered Parent Podcast! Our audio engineer extraordinaire Dallas put together a best-of episode that leads off with something I’ve been wanting to put out for years: outtakes!…

First varsity hockey game.
First varsity hockey goal.
First goal of the season for the team.

A losing effort in the end, but my hockey player played pretty great.

In case you weren’t sure of how much of a nerd I truly am, I am ridiculously excited about the new @sunniedogcom casters I just put on my Aeron.

In parenting news, my children have already asked if they can race my chair around the house.

Oh, the things we do for our children…

Our budding engineer built his own Millennium Falcon from plans he found, using myriad random pieces in his LEGO collection.

Wrapped up the first part of my Voltron LEGO build this afternoon with my construction partner.

There’s a new episode of The Empowered Parent Podcast out! We interview foster and adoptive parent Jillana Goble about her work helping foster kids in Oregon, and her book No Sugar Coating: The Coffee Talk You Need About Foster Parenting.

He’ll never leave you or forsake you

I help administer a private group on Facebook for foster and adoptive dads, and posted this today for encouragement, because I needed it myself:

So lately I’ve been struggling with the strong wills of my boys, and of my own. The constant tug-of-war. My wife and I were talking about it over lunch today, because she shares in the frustration (she’s strong-willed as well), and I reminded her, as much as myself, that they act this way because they feel securely attached to us.

“Well, it would be nice if they weren’t complete JERKS about it!” she sighed. She didn’t use the word “jerks,” but I’m trying to keep this family-friendly.

I mention this because I know I’m not alone in being a dad frustrated with the behaviors of his kids from hard places. Especially when they’ve been in our home for so long (birth for two of them, 9 months old for the third, and they’re 16, 11, and 8 now), and it just doesn’t feel like things are getting better.

Then God decides to plant a reminder on you in an unexpected way. In an email newsletter unrelated to parenting, there was this verse of encouragement from Hebrews, “I will never leave you or forsake you.” God always has our back, and we just need to go to Him with our frustrations, seek His peace.

And because I’m an ’80s metalhead, this verse and the feeling behind it will always be enshrined for me in the opening song from Rage of Angels’ self-titled, 1989, debut album: