Stryper’s To Hell With the Devil……

Stryper’s To Hell With the Devil……
It was a great mail day.
Love seeing Pete living his best life. What an inspiration this young man is.…
When your regular concert buddies can’t make it due to other (albeit more important) commitments, you go to the metal show by yourself. (I’ve done it before, I’ll do it again.)
First time I’m seeing @Sabaton.
I’m so happy there’s new Whitecross music.…
Released in the summer of 2020, in the heart of Covid-19 uncertainty, and featuring past and present members of the band, here’s Sacred Warrior’s awesome metal version of “On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand”:
Speaking of All For the King, this is the song that introduced me to them, and it remains my favorite of theirs:
I get back from dropping my oldest off at college in North Carolina to this awesome mail call.
This is the most metal cover Stryper has had since the original To Hell with the Devil art, and honestly, I think it beats even that.…
If you don’t smile at least once during this video, I have to question if you have a soul. Just delightful.
Glad to see these young men having so much fun with their talent. Well done, gents.…