And in today’s metal mailbag, new Wytch Hazel music! And classics from Barren Cross, Bloodgood, Bride, and Petra, thanks to Girder Music’s sale.

Happy new @thedollyrots music day, everyone! New single, “Still Holding On,” has dropped:…

And 2023 tour dates announced!

Loving this neat lyric video from Lux Studio for my favorite Barren Cross song:

For what it’s worth, readers of Rob Kroese’s Codex Babylon, Wytch Hazel’s album III: Pentecost is some excellent music to have on while reading, with its heraldic imagery of knights, and the Spirit’s fight against the forces of darkness. Both are highly recommended:
Book:… 📚
Music:… 🎸

Sweet! New music coming from Wytch Hazel!…

One Ring Funk – A Lord of the Rings Uptown Funk Parody:

It’s fantastic.

Our punk rock pal Frank Turner getting a ton of exposure with the Ted Lasso season 3 trailer!

This is incredible and awesome.

Bohemian Rhapsody on the world’s largest pipe organ:

This is fantastic. Nina’s art is stunning. That burning bush!
And using the great Satchmo to boot.

The Apple Music algorithm for the extended playlist after I finished Whitesnake’s “The Rock Album” has been fantastic today. Absolutely kick-butt.