“There is no heaven that has a little corner of hell in it.”

What a line. Oswald Chambers knew what was up with God’s redemptive work in our lives.

It opens today’s devotional: https://utmost.org/the-inevitable-penalty/

Released in the summer of 2020, in the heart of Covid-19 uncertainty, and featuring past and present members of the band, here’s Sacred Warrior’s awesome metal version of “On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand”:

Speaking of All For the King, this is the song that introduced me to them, and it remains my favorite of theirs:

The King is risen.

Roman Soldier Assigned To Guard Tomb Of Some Jewish Carpenter Looking Forward To Uneventful Weekend

“As Jesus died and rose again, so we also believe that we will also with Him rise again. So no matter what happens, we have hope. We have Jesus leading us. We have nothing else.”

Steve was the keynote speaker at a Bible conference our old church held over 15 years ago. I still remember words he spoke that day.

Now he is reunited with his brother and parents, and is more alive than we’ll know this side of Heaven.


Boy, am I glad my heart is right with Jesus.

Verily, I ask of thee: where in these United States is the worship leader and senior pastor with the stones to include @The_Proclaimers’ “The More I Believe” in a Sunday worship set?

This afternoon I listened to @VranicarBrian’s sermon at @CoppellBible yesterday while I took care of the lawn. A great, encouraging message, full of hope for both now and the future.

More of this, Church. More of this, please.