Not really helping

A good friend is trying to decide whether or not to buy an iPhone, and I was attempting to help him reason it out.

Angel on one shoulder, Devil on the other, on the iPhone

“Steve Jobs officially owns June 29.”

So sayeth Jeff Harrell, upon the realization that Ratatouille opens nationwide today as well.

How do you know you have iPhone fever?

When, while watching a show recorded on your TiVo, and fast-forwarding through the commercials, you stop and back up to watch the iPhone commercial you’ve already seen about fifty times, then proceed to fast-forward through the remaining commercials.

Time to switch to Yahoo! Mail?

TechCrunch is reporting that Yahoo! has announced unlimited storage for all email accounts, beginning May 2007. Gosh, just in time to be ready for all those new iPhone users…
[Via Michael Arrington on Twitter.]

Jobs using iPhone in the wild

Flickr user Thane Plambeck captured a shot of Steve Jobs using a test iPhone in the wild:

According to Thane, “Yes, the photo is for real, and yes it is an iPhone that he was talking on, or at least it was the same size and shape. He took it out of his pocket to make calls using the touchscreen.” He adds, “It’s not like this isn’t public information that they’re developing the iPhone, and I wasn’t surprised to see him using one (presumably they’re testing prototypes or something). I just thought it was kind of cool that he was using one.”
As Thane says, not really surprising, but cool nonetheless.

That didn’t take long

This post is coming to you from MarsEdit 1.1.3, the first release of my blogging app of choice since Daniel Jalkut of Red Sweater Software acquired it from NewsGator. This update fixes my biggest druther with MarsEdit, where images flicker when you’re previewing your post. Thanks, Daniel!
Speaking of not taking long, Lee and I were chatting via IM last night while he watched the Oscars, and, of course, there was talk regarding the iPhone teaser commercial. I wondered jokingly how long it would be before some post showed up somewhere detailing all of the stars shown in the commercial. Lee provided the answer: two hours. And here I thought I didn’t have a life. I’m sure there’s now a post somewhere detailing each of the movies or shows featured in the commercial, but I’m too lazy to google it.

Stevenote on iTunes

Apple has posted Steve Jobs’s keynote address for the 2007 Macworld Expo on the iTunes Store. It’s a 1.21 GB download, so make sure you’ve got the space to watch it on your iPod.

The countdown has begun

For those of us who are such fanboys we can hardly wait: the iPhone Countdown.
(This post prompted the creation of a new category/tag.)