“But let’s admit it: it can be hard to stay on a balance point. We go through cycles of feeling anxious, feeling guilty, feeling resentment, feeling rebellious, and then feeling relief when we identify a worse sinner than ourselves. We’re unstable, I think, because it is so hard to grasp how absolute God’s side of the relationship is. He loves us, even while we are sinners, and nothing can halt or deflect the force of his love. He is love, and his love fills the universe. It comes entirely from him, and knows no limits. It takes no notice of whether we are are lovable or not, whether we want him to love us or not. He will love us no matter what, and nothing can stop him.

—Frederica Mathewes-Green, Welcome to the Orthodox Church

(Bold emphasis added by me.)

It’s now more punk to be a practicing, Bible-believing Christian, than it is to be an actual punk rocker.

And politics aside, what a story of God’s grace and mercy Dave Mustaine is.

“There is no heaven that has a little corner of hell in it.”

What a line. Oswald Chambers knew what was up with God’s redemptive work in our lives.

It opens today’s devotional: https://utmost.org/the-inevitable-penalty/

This is fantastic. Nina’s art is stunning. That burning bush!
And using the great Satchmo to boot.

When parody speaks absolute truth.

‘God Will Never Give You More Than You Can Handle In Life,’ Says Man Unfamiliar With God, Life

Good life advice for nearly any situation.

Released in the summer of 2020, in the heart of Covid-19 uncertainty, and featuring past and present members of the band, here’s Sacred Warrior’s awesome metal version of “On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand”:

Speaking of All For the King, this is the song that introduced me to them, and it remains my favorite of theirs:

I get back from dropping my oldest off at college in North Carolina to this awesome mail call.

Sitting in my car in the driveway, reading today’s @myutmost devotional, with @OfficialPetra on the speakers. Sometimes you have to carve out that time when and where you can.