Ever wondered what happens to the prayer notes left in the crevices of the Western Wall in Jerusalem? Well, now we know.

Sitting in my car in the driveway, reading today’s @myutmost devotional, with @OfficialPetra on the speakers. Sometimes you have to carve out that time when and where you can.

If you’re looking for quick news summary three times a week that doesn’t get bogged down in politics but keeps an eternal perspective, I cannot recommend The Pour Over highly enough: ref.thepourover.org/9db7df9f

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The King is risen.

“As Jesus died and rose again, so we also believe that we will also with Him rise again. So no matter what happens, we have hope. We have Jesus leading us. We have nothing else.”

Steve was the keynote speaker at a Bible conference our old church held over 15 years ago. I still remember words he spoke that day.

Now he is reunited with his brother and parents, and is more alive than we’ll know this side of Heaven.


And boy, is this not one of the hardest things about this walk of faith…

The relevant quote mentioned in previous post:

Great thread. I’m left with praying for Richard, and now can’t get “William Tyndale. Bible gangster.” out of my head. That needs to be a t-shirt.