Lunchtime reading acquired.…
Tag: books
Finished the 7th Galaxy Run novella, Watchmen Waketh, during lunch today. Love that the adventures of Nixon and Laana are continuing. It’s a great series, from a rising master of serial science fiction. Highly recommended:…
Being one of the Kickstarter backers, I’ve read this. It is frightening in its examination of inflation and the death of the dollar while at the same time being immensely entertaining. Definitely recommended. 📚…
This week, I’ve read @robkroese’s Messiah, book 2 in his Mammon series, and @NickPetrie‘s The Runaway, book 7 in his Peter Ash series. Both were disturbing, just in different ways.
Both are also really excellent, and you should buy and read them. 📚
Put the plane ride to good use. I’m nearly halfway through Messiah, book 2 of @robkroese’s Mammon series.
If you lament Robert E. Howard leaving us too soon, with no more Conan stories, this is for you.
I’ve read the first two books in the saga, and David absolutely nails the style and aesthetic.…
Going to have to figure out how to move this up in the reading queue. #ChristmasBookHaul

I haven’t had a chance to read many books this year, thanks to a new job and undergoing financial licensing studies (passed all, yay!). But this book was one of the few, and it’s super. A great read. 📚…