Sous chef helping prepare the evening’s gastrointestinal delights.

Found the receipt for what remains my favorite Mac portable, a 12-inch PowerBook G4. The dead-tree version came in this lovely receipt holder. Any interest, @ismh?

Found my Mac OS X Public Beta receipt from September 2000. Anyone remember how much that cost?

Using quarantine time to clean out old folders. Just came across my non-disclosure agreement with Bare Bones for beta testing @bbedit 6 back in 2001. cc @siegel


Hey, @DallasStars fans! Our broadcast team clocks in at #2 in the league in “The 2020 NHL broadcast rankings: The best and worst markets to watch the games”. Way to go, team!

Settling in to watch this week’s #StrikeBack. After last week’s doozy, well….

You have to love the way the Amazon warehouse algorithms and shipping supply systems work. Hardcover book? Ship it in a box surrounded by bubblewrap. Two 2.5-inch external drives? Just throw those in a slightly-padded envelope. πŸ™„

New patch for my GoRuck, Breast Cancer research fundraising edition.

Well, I just saw the Artemis Fowl trailer for the first time. I never got around to reading the books before letting any of the boys read them (and none of them have done that, either). So I don’t know if I should be outraged or not. πŸ˜‰

Prepping a MacBook to be shipped to a repair depot, and used Dropbox on the web to remote wipe the Dropbox folder from the damaged MacBook. Watching it happen in real time on what little of the MacBook’s screen I could see was akin to sorcery. Pretty cool.

Incredible work by Filip Hodas in “Pop culture dystopia.” Part 1:… Part 2:…

Y’all can guess which is my favorite…

Finished Scott Reardon’s The Prometheus Man, making it the 10th book I have read this year. It didn’t have the intensity of it’s sequel, The Dark Continent, but was very satisfying nonetheless. πŸ“š

The updated, but still incomplete @robkroese shelf. Awaiting my physical copy of “The End of All Things” to complete the Counterfeit Sorcerer series, and I seem to have mislaid “Mercury Shrugs,” “The Wrath of Cons,” and a pair of Dis books.


A reminder, LSU sports fans, as you are quarantined at home, needing something to do: we are, too, but we still managed to record a Sneaky Good podcast last week for your enjoyment.

Got the first lawn maintenance of the year out of the way today. Had a new guy on the crew.

A couple of nights ago, I finally got around to watching Zombieland: Double Tap. A funny and fine sequel to the original.

If you haven’t seen it and plan to, watch the credits all the way to the end.

Some timely and hopeful words from Dr. Curt Thompson, a man whom I am honored to know.

At long last, there is a new episode of the Empowered Parent Podcast! In a timely release, we’re talking about stress, and doing the detective work of helping our kids recognize when they are getting stressed.