I was excited to learn last week about this documentary of @bloodgoodband, one of my favorite Christian metal bands from when I was a teenager/early 20-something, and it arrived today. Well done, Paul Michael Bloodgood, on capturing your father’s and his friends' work!

“Boys. It’d be a shame to have to kill you now.”

The great Bernie Casey. RIP.

“That was a static-filled, triple-scrambled microwave transmission between 2 soldiers talking in mandarin Chinese.”

“The Chinese were only using a simple polyphonetically grouped 20-square-digit key transposed in boustrophedonic form with multiple nulls. I broke it with this.”

“A Drogan’s decoder wheel? They put these things into cereal boxes for kids!”

“Yeah, I found it in a box of … Lucky Charms.”

“Wait. Is someone in this closet?”

Can you guess what I’m watching?

Three rounds of Spaceteam = fine family fun. Two rounds on easy, one on medium, all finished successfully with time to spare! Whew!

Jesus is the Lord of all.

We have been redeemed!


It’s totally, TOTALLY @theNthJennifer’s fault I’m watching Ladyhawke right now.

The external hard drive which contains all the house’s media files needed to be upgraded (and thus, its backup drive needed to be upgraded as well), so new drives were ordered and arrived today.

Currently cloning media drive to new backup drive. Do I know how to party on a Friday night or what?

Johnny has been restored to his place of honor in the study.

One benefit of quarantine is I finally got around to fixing the frame for my @theinkwellian commissioned Boba Fett art so it can go back up on the wall.

Re-upping this great cover/mash-up from about 18 months ago. Dream Patrol combines Bruce Dickinson’s “Tattooed Millionaire” with a little Van Halen. youtu.be/6GG-m7j8l…

There is some real gallows humor, some nearly off the rails, in the Liam Neeson vehicle, Cold Pursuit. It’s certainly not high cinema, nor even the best among Neeson’s post-Taken, debt-repayment movies. I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would.

I wonder how it compares to the original Norwegian film, In Order of Disappearance.

In totally nerdy news, I have decided on a new icon set for Calibre. Numix looks right at home in macOS.

To be fair, social distancing (minus the germaphobia) from most people has been my default operating system for decades.

Props to Jon for the White Claw reference.

Now if we could just get him to shoot video in landscape instead of portrait… 😉


Had a family movie viewing of Disney’s Onward this afternoon. Fantastic and fun! Just for the fantasy RPG elements alone, this may have vaulted into my Pixar top 5.