I couldn’t remember if I’d backed the physical copy level of @TheBrometheus' Kickstarter (and I never got around to looking), so this is a pleasant surprise today.

Have you registered for Tapestry Conference yet?! Don’t wait! #TapCon19 #KnowBetterDoBetter #Adoption #FosterCare #Kinship #AboundingLove

There’s a new Sneaky Good Podcast out. We dissect the Utah State game, talk about the Gators coming to Death Valley on a Saturday night, and take the Florida Man challenge. www.andthevalleyshook.com/2019/10/1…

I may or may not have just been given permission to wear Star Wars t-shirts on stage at Tapestry Conference, and I’m wondering how many wardrobe changes I can fit in over the two days. #TapCon19 #ChrisHasLotsOfStarWarsShirts

All this work I’m putting in, even while I wait for one of our vehicles to get serviced, so you people have a quality product at Tapestry Conference. You’re coming, right? tapestryconference.org

Thanks to a source with photo-scanning/tracing software and a vinyl printer, the Star Wars sticker family lives again!

Honest question to all the Dallas Cowboys fans out there: do you really care about watching the games of Dallas' divisional opponents?

This is the justification for the NFL broadcasting those games over those of teams geographically closer to Dallas.

Pro tip: grill cleaning is really easy when you turn the burners on high and close the lid, allowing the interior to get to 600 degrees Fahrenheit.

Fire: Good Meat: Good Blood & Honey: Goooooooood

The @robkroese-induced music video rabbit hole continues. This is for @kristenrudd: www.youtube.com/watch

‘80s style AOR/Melodic Rock is alive and well in Sweden. This album released just last year. www.youtube.com/watch

Hey, everyone, it’s @JarrettRush’s birthday! Let’s celebrate by picking up one of his excellent books! I’m especially fond of the Rubble & Ruin series: smile.amazon.com/Rubble-Ru…


He also has a great new series out under a pen name: smile.amazon.com/Lost-Univ…

Because I led a sheltered childhood and didn’t have cable, and thus MTV, when I was growing up, I am just now seeing the original video for The Cult’s “She Sells Sanctuary”. www.youtube.com/watch

Also, I fully blame @robkroese for the ’80s music YouTube video rabbit hole I’ve gone down.

It’s one of the quintessential ’80s songs, and ‘Til Tuesday’s “Voices Carry” still works for me. (Could do without the extra audio drama in the video, though.) www.youtube.com/watch

Gee, you would think an advanced AI would have knowledge at its, er, microchips about animals' biology, eh, @CARROT_app? #carrotweather

Finished Adam Lane Smith’s “Gideon Ira: Knight of the Blood Cross” over the weekend. He describes it as “heavy metal Christian pulp fiction,” and indeed it is. Fun and enjoyable. www.amazon.com/dp/B07WZ3…

Thanks to @tweetgrubes dropping it at tonight’s Stars game, I have Rob Zombie’s “Dragula” on repeat. Then I mentioned it to @bekindtobignate, who had opinions of his own, and hello Rob Zombie black hole I’m disappearing down…

Epic recording session last night for the Big Fat Geek podcast. I’ll let my iPhone’s background tell you what we discussed.

Praise the Lord. This is long overdue.