This movie review for Midway is the best and funniest thing I’ve read all day. The harshness is inspired.

Little dusty in here.…

Look, you raving psychotics, just because you got the Christmas lights installed on your house already doesn’t mean you have to TURN THEM ON. #OneHolidayAtATime

In case you need something to listen to before the LSU-Bama game, the latest Sneaky Good Podcast is available.…

Speaking of authors hitting their stride, I finished Lee Child’s Blue Moon in less than 48 hours, in case anyone’s wondering how good the latest Jack Reacher novel is.

On the round-trip plane rides for the Tampa tournament, I started and finished @robkroese’s The Rise of the Demon Prince, second in his new Counterfeit Sorcerer series.

Admittedly, I’m biased as a friend of Rob’s and frequent Kickstarter backer, but he’s really hitting his stride. This series is just like a lot of the fun fantasy novels I read as a teenager. Definitely recommended.

This kid got the tying goal this morning in what ended up a heartbreaking semifinal loss in the Tampa tournament. Begged for us to get on an earlier flight so he could play with his JV squad, and thanks to Southwest, that happened.

Then proceeded to score 4 goals plus an assist.

Good start to the tournament for the hockey player and his team, a 4-1 victory. Things get tougher tomorrow. #HockeyDadLife

The body of Halloween isn’t even cold in the ground, we haven’t had Thanksgiving yet, and Target already has Christmas crap out the instant you walk in the door. #OneHolidayAtATime

Weather delays flight nearly two hours.

Plane at our gate is late pushing back, furthering delay.

Passengers are loaded in time for new official departure time, but luggage is still being loaded. Another 20-minute delay.

Now we have a maintenance issue—a spring on one of the wings—that needs to be replaced. Part has to be located and installed. Mechanic: “Shouldn’t take long,” but as you’d expect, no real timetable.

Now I’m just waiting for the flight crew to time out. 🙄

Waiting on our nearly-two-hours-delayed flight to Tampa with this guy. Hockey tournament for the hockey player.

It’s Auburn Hate Week, so obviously there’s a [](new Sneaky Good Podcast up). We also talk a little Star Wars, beignets, and Watchmen. We’re a full-service podcast!

There goes Disney, breaking my heart that the only version of Star Wars we’re going to get on Disney+ is the Special Edition.

I will not get my hopes up with the new Star Wars trailer. I will not get my hopes up with the new Star Wars trailer. I will not get my hopes up with the new Star Wars trailer.


Saints score with under five minutes to go in the game, 27 unanswered points. This sort of drive is when my Christian charity goes out the window and I’m all like CRUSH THEIR WILL, BREAK THEIR SPIRIT, PILLAGE AND SALT THE EARTH SO NONE SHALL GROW AGAIN. #WhoDat

When the Saints are beating the home town team so bad, the crowd boos failures by said team. The Bears have 17 yards rushing today. SEVENTEEN. #WhoDat, baby

Look at my youngest’s homeland becoming the first African smartphone manufacturer!

I, among many others, have often thought Rwanda should attempt to position itself as an African tech-Switzerland, and this is a step in that direction.

iOS feature wish: silent mode, but still have the keyboard sounds on.

Some times, I find it soothing, okay?

We’re never going to be honest about attendance figures are we? They can say it’s a sellout crowd at Soldier Field, but the camera pans moments before kickoff say otherwise. #GeauxSaints #WhoDat

I am sorely tempted to reply to this Evite email I just received for the event AT MY HOUSE with “Maybe”.