The February issue of About This Particular Macintosh is now available for your reading pleasure.
Yes, he’s a month late for such reminiscing, but Wes weighs in on the comings and goings of 2007 in this month’s Bloggable. He also looks at the blogosphere’s rumblings over the new MacBook Air, and other items of interest. From across the pond, Mark offers an Englander’s point of view on Steve Jobs’ Macworld Expo Keynote, while he waits for a CyTV update, due to an incompatibility with Leopard.
Angus offers the pros and cons from this year’s Macworld Expo, as he sees it. Ted offers a progress report for this month’s ATPO, pre-announcing (pre-pre-announcing?) an outlining product he’s endeavoring to build, as well as offering his thoughts on Macworld Expo (anyone else see a theme here?) and an opinion regarding software business models.
Photoshop For the Curious returns from its brief hiatus, as Lee introduces us to Photoshop’s wonderful world of Masks. And, yes, while I didn’t attend Macworld Expo in person, this will not stop yours truly from offering his impressions of Steve Jobs’s keynote address to open the 2008 Macworld Expo, which took place in San Francisco last month. (There it is, again.) This month’s desktop pictures are courtesy of ATPM reader Kim Lee, from a November 2007 trip to Manado, Indonesia. Thanks, Kim!
Linus looks at Chameleon 5.0.881M Legacy, a Photoshop plug-in for combining images, while Ellyn plays around with Flip Words 2, something of a combination of Boggle and Hangman. Chris, ATPM’s official pilot, puts the Kinetik 15.4 Backpack through its paces, and Ed puts a few balls in to play with MacPinball 2.6.
As always, this month’s issue is available in a variety of formats for your reading pleasure.