ATPM 12.10

The October issue of About This Particular Macintosh is now available.
Wes runs down the blogosphere traffic on the is-it-or-isn’t-it AirPort hack in this month’s Bloggable. Mike Chamberlain is one of two new staffers joining the ATPM ranks this month, and the first of his “Mac of all Trades” is a trip down memory lane. Mark Tennent comes to the realization that size really does matter. (Get your mind out of the gutter; we’re talking about displays.)
Miraz Jordan’s look at web-accessibility capabilities in web development apps continues, and she’s impressed with Nvu. Angus Wong muses on the effect of Microsoft’s Zune on the Apple ecosystem, while Sylvester Roque offers a helpful look at that oh-so-mystifying document, the crash log.
This month’s Desktop Pictures are again courtesy of Robert Reis, and his trip to Germany earlier this year for the World Cup. Speaking of trips down memory lane, Cortland returns with a nostalgic journey from college to employment.
Lee looks at A Better Finder Rename, a utility I’d use if I had a lot of stuff to rename, which I very rarely do. Chris wants to like the iWoofer, really he does, but…well, you’ve have to read the whole review. If you’re thinking of doing music on your Mac, you may want to start with Making Music on the Apple Mac, which is what Sylvester did. Finally, our other new staffer, David Thompson, shows off the darling of PC emulation for the Mac, Parallels Desktop.
As always, you can get your kicks on Route 66, but if you want to read this month’s issue, you’d be better served other ways.